Respite Care
Respite offers short-term breaks for families or carers of children and adults with a disability to help support and maintain their care giving relationships. It provides a positive experience including the opportunity to mix with other people giving the regular carer a break. Prime 1 Care can organize a support worker to watch your loved ones so you can take a break to visit others, go to the gym, go to the doctors or handle your chores, for example.
- Companion services to the individual with companionship and supervised activities.
- Personal care or home health aide services to provide assistance with bathing, dressing, toileting and exercising.
- Homemaker or maid services to help with laundry, shopping and preparing meals.
- In-home respite. In-home respite means the person who provides the respite care comes to the home where you care for the person who needs it.
- Centre-based day respite.
- Overnight or weekend respite.
- Community access respite.
- Emergency respite care.
- Transition care.