Support Coordination

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Support Coordination

Support Coordination

Support coordination helps you to make the best use of your supports in plan. Support coordination is a capacity building support which helps you to:
  •      Understand and use you NDIS plan to pursue your goals.
  • Connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services.
  •      Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports
A support coordinator or specialist support coordinator delivers support coordination services. There are three levels of support coordination that can be included in your plan:
  • 1
    Support Connection – This support is to build your ability to connect with informal, community and funded supports enabling you to get the most out of your plan and pursue your goals.
  • 2
    Support Coordination – coordination of supports: This support will assist you to build the skills you need to understand and use your plan. A support coordinator will work with you to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently and be included in your community.
  • 3
    Specialist Support Coordination – This is a higher level of support coordination. It is for people whose situations are more complex and who need specialist support. A specialist Support Coordinator will assist you to manage challenges in your support environment and ensuring consistent delivery of service.
If your NDIS plan includes Coordination of Supports, then our experienced professionals are available to guide you and your family throughout the process. We support our care recipients and their families by:
  •      Guiding you through the NDIS process including identifying your goals and selecting the best services to meet your needs.
  • Assisting with managing a budget for each type of support and negotiating prices and service agreements.
  • Discussing in home care respite, if this is required.
  • Offering support during NDIS plan reviews.
  • Navigating and utilising plans yearly, with budgets approved by the NDIS.
  •      Assisting with Housing Pathways – Being there for you in times of crisis.